TITLE: A testimony for God's everlasting truth : as it hath been learned of and in Jesus, testifying against such as through unbelief have departed from, or been disobedient to the spirit that convinces the world of sin...

AUTHOR:   Travers, Rebecca.  

Table of Contents:

    FRONT MATTER:   A TESTIMONY for God's Everlasting Truth, As it hath been learned of and in JESUS; Testifying against such as through unbelief have departed from, or been disobedient to the Spirit that convinces the World of Sin:      Starts at - Img 2 Pg UN
  • (1)      Starts at - Img 4 Pg 3
  • (2)  A TESTIMONY for God's Everlasting TRUTH, &c.    Starts at - Img 6 Pg 5
    • (2.2)  These following Lines were added since Robert Cobbits Queries came to my hand; and it is manifest, his own Work therein, hath and shall in snare him.    Starts at - Img 32 Pg 29
    • (2.3)  Several Lyes in R. C's Second Page.    Starts at - Img 48 Pg 44
  • (3)  Postscript.    Starts at - Img 49 Pg 46